A quick way to check if a sub site exists using the SharePoint 2013 .NET Client Side Object Model (CSOM)
As per the title of the this post, here is a very quick code sample demonstrating how to check if a sub web already exists using the .NET CSOM in SharePoint 2013 (I imagine this should work on 2010 also):
bool WebExists(string siteUrl, string webUrl)
//connect to the root site
using (ClientContext context = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
// load up the root web object but only
// specifying the sub webs property to avoid
// unneeded network traffic
var web = context.Web;
context.Load(web, w => w.Webs);
// use a simple linq query to get any sub webs with the URL we want to check
var subWeb = (from w in web.Webs where w.Url == webUrl select w).SingleOrDefault();
if (subWeb != null)
// if found true
return true;
// default to false...
return false;
You would call this as follows:
var siteExists = WebExists("http://host/sites/site/", "http://host/sites/site/subsite");